Error Capturing in OBIEE Writeback

OBIEE Writeback

The OBIEE write back process does a bad job in capturing the errors that happen when writing back data. And often times we need to capture the error. Here is a quick way to capture the error message.

1) Set up writeback as directed in the Oracle documentation.

2) Create an error logging table using the dbms_errlog.create_error_log package. “ERR_LOG_TABLE”

3) Modify the SQL in your inset or update statement from the writeback template to include LOG ERRORS INTO WB_POC_ERR_ORA (‘Write Back’)

For e.g my insert statement that looked like

<insert>insert into WB_INTER_INS_TAB (ACCOUNT_VAL,CAL_ONE_VAL,) values (‘@2′,’@3’) </insert>

Will change to.

<insert>insert into WB_INTER_INS_TAB (ACCOUNT_VAL,CAL_ONE_VAL,) values (‘@2′,’@3’) LOG ERRORS INTO ERR_LOG_TABLE (‘Write Back’)</insert>

Now that you have these errors in a table in the database, you could have triggers, procedures, reports,javascripts built to further give the users meaningful error messages in the front end.

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